
Be one of the first people to potentially benefit from a new cancer treatment when you take part in a cancer research study at Community 医院 of the Monterey Peninsula.

What are cancer clinical trials?

When you volunteer for a cancer clinical trial, you may:

  • Receive a new drug, medical device, or treatment approach to see if it’s safe and effective
  • Be part of a control group, which means you do not get a treatment or you receive the standard treatment so researchers can compare your results with the results of the participants who received the new treatment

Even if you don’t participate in a clinical trial, you benefit as a patient of 蒙太奇的健康 from our research into improving healthcare.

Potential benefits and risks

Researchers study new treatments for many years and make sure their studies are ethical and as safe as possible. Our Institutional Review Board (IRB) protects your rights and well being by following federal and state regulations and closely monitoring our studies.


和你的朋友谈谈。 癌症护理小组 if you want to participate in a clinical trial. Your providers will tell you about potential benefits, such as:

  • Getting more frequent checkups, care, and resources
  • Helping others get better care in the future by contributing to medical research
  • Receiving a promising new treatment before it’s widely available
  • Taking an active role in your healthcare


You’ll also learn about drawbacks, including:

  • You may not receive the new treatment
  • The new treatment may not be as effective as the standard treatment or may not work
  • Inconvenience of extra appointments or staying overnight in a hospital
  • 潜在的副作用

Requirements to participate

There are many different types of clinical trials. Participant requirements depend on:

  • 研究目标
  • 试验阶段
  • Type and stage of cancer being studied
  • 其他因素

Partnerships provide local access

Thanks to our membership in the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG), you can access the latest advancements in cancer care typically only available at larger, 城市, or academic medical centers. ECOG is a large medical network of dozens of cancer centers working together to conduct numerous cancer trials, including trials to study cancers that are rare or hard to treat.

In addition to Community 医院, the ECOG includes:

  • University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Medical Center, a leading organization for cancer care and recipient of research grants from the National Cancer Institute (NCI)
  • 斯坦福医学中心


Because our partners can view your 电子健康记录, your 蒙太奇的健康 care team can collaborate with experts at other organizations.


A researcher will plan and lead your trial. The research may be a doctor, pharmacist, nurse, or other type of provider.

癌症临床试验 at Community 医院 take place at our Comprehensive Cancer Center 在蒙特利. Every research study is different. Your doctor will explain what to expect during your trial.

Can I leave a trial after it starts?

Because you’re a volunteer, you can stop participating at any time.


Community 医院’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) meets monthly to plan new trials, review those in progress, 讨论规章制度. 董事会包括:

  • Healthcare providers, including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists
  • Community college researcher
  • 图书管理员
  • 牧师


If you’re a 蒙太奇的健康 care provider interested in leading a research study, learn 如何申请.

Take part in a clinical trial

和你的朋友谈谈。 doctor if you’re interested in signing up for a cancer clinical trial. 
